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Experience the most convenient way to witness that love really NO bounds!!! Connect with your passed loved ones or even your highest and best self for messages of love, healing, and validation! Available in 30 minute sessions or 90 minute deep dives. Choose from a variety of options by following this link:



The popular month-ahead spread has been one that clients love to order on repeat so I’ve decided it was time to make a more accessible version!! 

Join me in my new subscription service! A monthly reading delivering messages of love, healing, and validation right to your inbox!!! 

And Club members will get special Member Only DEALS on future tarot readings and monthly specials which aren’t included in your membership 

There are two options for you to join The Club:


Personalized specifically for you, these pre-recorded tarot offerings are so convenient- you don't need to wait for an appointment, just wait 2 to 3 weeks for delivery right to your inbox! These readings are offered on a rotating theme, so check back frequently for the newest Special!

Virtual Readings: Services
Tarot Special of the Season.png


Personalized Pre-recorded Video Tarot Readings and more, limited quantities and changes with each new astrological season 

Tarot Special for Aries Season- Traditional Celtic Cross

Welcome to the Special of the Season for Aries season! Aries is the astrological new year- a time to celebrate, to get your spark back, to plant your seeds for a beautiful year ahead. Aries season is also he first spark of the whole Zodiac- the baby if you will.

What better way to celebrate this season than with a classic reading that touches base on everything- the Celtic Cross. Most of my tarot spreads are channeled straight from Spirit, but as we enter a fresh start of a new season, Spirit has urged us to go back to basics, back to tradition. Being of Celtic decent myself, I resonate with this one but have never offered it for sale before! Time to change that!

What you'll get:

A 10 question tarot reading (approx 30 or so minutes) focused on the theme at hand, personalized specifically to you. This will be done by a pre-recorded video from my home office, and sent to you via email within 2-4 weeks of ordering.

Good to know:

These are LIMITED specials, meaning once they're sold out they're sold out. A new reading special will be announced at the change of the next astrological season.

Want a discount?

Check out to learn how to get this and other readings for a fantastic deal!

The fine print: All videos are recorded unique and personalized only to you. They will be delivered on a first come first serve basis within 2-4 weeks to your email. These are offered in limited quantities in order to allow time for them all. Booking early helps secure your spot. A new theme will be offered in the next astrological season.

Virtual Readings: Feature
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